
We, the competition committee, extend our congratulations to the winners of the article competition for  the Digital Muslim Review journal. It was not easy for us to determine the winners of this competition, but we had to make a decision. The aspects we considered were the alignment with the focus and scope of the journal, the length of the articles, and the strength of the writing. We must convey that we received many excellent articles, but because some were too short, we could not give them the maximum score. Additionally, the scoring differences between the articles were very close; however, a ranking had to be made. And here is the list.

  1. Moch Dimas Maulana and Ali Samaila, Obsessive Actualization as Media Influence on the Interpretive Process of Mufassir: A Case Study of Tafsir Al-Qur’an Aktual on
  2. Athik Hidayatul Ummah and Muhamadaree Waeno, The Voice of Gender Equality Through VoD Platforms (A Critical Discourse Analysis on Digital Films in Islamic Perspective)
  3. Egi Tanadi Taufik, Hashtag Moderasi Beragama: A Social Network Analysis
  4. Siswoyo Aris Munandar and Muhammad Fahrurrozi, Innovation and Transformation of the Tarekat Idrisyiah: Social and Economic Development of the Tarekat Idrisiyah in the Digital Era
  5. Sri Yusriani and Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Digital Engagement and Technology Acceptance among the Muslim Community in Denmark: A TAM Approach
  6. Kheryadi and Rungroj, The Dialectics of Muslim Identity in Indonesia and Thailand: Social Media Engineering and Digital Identity Construction
  7. Rohman, Kyai and the Social Media: A Case Study of Bantenese kyai’s response to Aksi Bela Islam (ABI)
  8. Taosyekh Nawawi and Wina Sumiati, Digitalization of Da'wah and Dissemination of Digital Islamic Information: An Analysis of the Da'wah Methods of Community NU Garis Lucu, AISNU, and Pondok Sanad
  9. Mukhlis, Doki Wardiman, Amelia Yetri, The Dynamics of the Digital Age: Assessing Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Muslim Societies in Indonesia
  10. Jamaludin, TikTok as an Interfaith Debate Space: Islamic and Christian Theological Dialogue from a Jidal Perspective
  11. Shinta Nurani, Luthfi Maulana, and Naelil Marom, Women's Body Autonomy in Social Media: Ideological Contestation, Interpretation and Gender Identity
  12. Ahmad Rayhan, Raihan Indra Widjaya, Adinda Pramesty Sulistya Kusumawardhani, Mariatul Adawiyah Sopandi, The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Social Media as Indonesian Da'wah Media
  13. Nadia Nurfitria, The Phenomenon of Cancel Culture Among Muslims Through Social Media: Factor, Implication for Muslim Indonesian
  14. Fadilla Oktaviana and Syarif Hidayat, Halal Food Application Preferences and Acceptances among Muslim Students in South Korea